Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas at moms.

Christmas day we went to my moms house. All nine grandkids were there so it was alot of fun for the kids. My mom set up a story of christmas play. The charactors were puppets made of felt. The kids would each have a part and then after each speaking part we would all sing christmas songs. It was really cute.
After the play, we ate dinner. Avery was so tired he fell asleep at the table.

This is a picture of the quilt that my mom made for avery. I had requested for her to make a "cowboy" theme blanket for him. I wanted a retro look at first but when we were looking at fabric, we saw these patterns and i think they look really cute together. The boot in the middle is made of this cool fabric that looks like leather. My mom made the boot herself. The back of the blanket is that soft fabric with the little bumps on it ( forgot the name) I am so thankful that my mom is so talented. All my kids have been made a blanket from her.

Everytime we go to my moms house antoine sits down in the chair and falls asleep. We all laugh at him. I thought i would use my new camera and take some pitcures this time. Merry Christmas!!!!!

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